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点击次数:  更新时间:2018-01-22 09:42:31

导读:今天11时9分将迎来农历二十四节气中的“大寒”。 大寒是一年的最后一个节气,又赶上年关将至,浓郁的“年味”开始弥漫。


Major cold, the 24th solar term, begins this year on Jan 20 and ends on Feb 4. The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. Major Cold is the last solar term in winter and also the last solar term in the annual lunar calendar. In this period, snow, rain and icy cold weather exert a big influence on people’s lives.


Here are some things you should know about Major Cold.


La Ba Festival


An important day during Major Cold is the La Ba Festival, when people usually eat La Ba porridge, a porridge with eight kinds of mixed grains and corn. The festival is celebrated on the eighth day of the 12th month (la yue) and is one of the most important traditional festivals in Chinese culture. It is also a prelude to the Chinese Lunar New Year. This year the La Ba Festival falls on Jan 24.


The festival was originally a day of thanks for a good harvest and sacrifice to ancestors. It also marks the day on which Sakyamuni, the founder of Buddhism, reached enlightenment and became immortal.


Eating "dispelling cold cake


During Major Cold, People in Beijing have a habit of eating "dispelling cold cake", a kind of rice cake. Sticky rice, the cake’s main ingredient, contains more sugar than rice, which can make people feel warm all over their bodies. In Chinese the word "rice cake" has the same pronunciation with the word "higher in a new year", which symbolizes good luck and continual promotion.


Buying sesame straw


Major Cold always coincides with the end of the year in lunar calendar. In some areas of China, people always fall over each other in eagerness to buy sesame straw during this period because of the old saying, "Rise joint by joint like sesame flowers on the stem." This saying is used to describe either ever-rising living standards or making steady progress in thought, studies or skills.


Cold as it is, it also happens to be the beginning of a freezing week as another round of very cold weather is ready to sweep across China starting. What should you eat to stay warm? Are there any eating taboos to help avoid the chilly weathers? Let’s hear what Chinese doctors say.


Chinese yam meat balls


First things first. For staples, you may replace or add to rice or wheaten food starchy foods that are more tonic, like the Chinese yam. It helps strengthen the spleen and reinforce deficiency, and it is best for those who have deficiency in the blood and easily feels tired, says doctor Xia Gongxu from the Nanjing Hospital of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine.


Mashed potato.


Another staple you might consider add to your diet is potato, which helps fill you up and avoidovereating. Potatoes are low in calories and fat, and are a good staple food choice for those whowant to keep fit and stay in shape at the same time.


Angelica with beef soup


For the main courses, Dr. Zhang Zhongai from Nan Jing Jinlin said that nutritious food like the carp, chicken and mutton are good choices to beat the cold.


Zhang also warns, however, to avoid the trap of eating high calorie food to beat the cold, as such food may accumulate excessive internal heat, which in turn may makes one irritable and fretful.So, instead of eating fried chickens, it’s better to enjoy chicken soup. Stewed mutton is betterthan mutton kababs.


Angelica with beef soup is a good choice. As it helps enrich the blood and promotes blood circulation. The soup is especially good for menstruating women.


Astragalus with chicken soup


The soup is quite nourishing in several ways. For one, the astragalus may dilate the blood vessels, and thus reduce blood pressure; for another, astragalus cooked with chicken may improve the immune system. The soup is good for the heart and it is especially suitable for those weak people, like the aged, women who just gave birth to babies,and those sweat easily.


Aside from staples and the main courses, you might want to have some soup during these cold days, as cold days are usually accompanied with chilly dry wind. Three soups are recommendedas they are conducive to enriching the blood, nourishing the lungs and invigorating the spleen.


Blood enriching porridge


First soak the ingredients: red dates, red beans, black rice, peanuts,rice for 40 minutes, and then boil for ten minutes. You may enjoy the porridge with brown sugarafter simmering those ingredients for about 40 minutes. The porridge is especially good for women.


Tremella lily porridge.


First soak the tremella and lily for about an hour, and then boil them with rice for about 10 minutes. Simmer them for about 40 minutes and add some honey to give the soup a sweet flavor before it’s served. The porridge is especially good for nourishing the lungs.


Chinese yam and rice porridge


Soak the dry Chinese yam for a night and slice it. Cook the sliced Chinese yam with rice, simmer it for about 40 minutes after it comes to a boil. The porridge is ready to serve when the water gets kind of thick and white. The porridge helps invigorate the spleen.

